The Chalice For You


Master the art of initiation with the sacred artefact of the Chalice,

as a representation and mirror to your own body as a vessel of the sacred feminine. 

Journey and unlock all the wisdom you are as a woman, leader and creatrix,

begin the journey to the next-level of your own evolution.


For women who are leaders of leaders,

have leadership essence and spirit,

who champion women's wisdom


This Sacred Journey Includes: 

Plants & Flowers

We work with three core herbs: Rose, Lavender and Sage, and explore others as needed. 

This year, we have guest tutor Marjanne Huising, expert herbalist from the Netherlands joining us as we dive into:

🌿 Dieting with herbs and flowers for health and spiritual benefits. 

🌿 Developing your connection with plant spirits.

🌿 Exploring the medicine woman's path

🌿 Ceremonial herb wisdom 

🌿 Tincture making and crafting with herbs

Ritual & Ceremony 

You will work in an ancient ceremonial way, developing your path of creating and performing authentic rituals and ceremonial life practices to amplify your own life path. Including:

🏆 Step-by-step process of initiating and receiving your own sacred chalice.

🏆 Deepening wisdom of seasonal and womb cycles and celebrations.

🏆 Developing your creative genius as a superpower for your rituals and initiations. Such as incorporating Sacred Dance, Singing, Soul Writing, Channelling, Drawing Rituals.

🏆 Shamanic, ancestral & Akashic journeys.


Become acquainted with core archetypes of the deep feminine for evolutionary transformation and wisdom embodiment:

⭐ Medusa

⭐ The Kracken

⭐ The Dragon

⭐ The Green Goddess

⭐ The Sacred Siren Mermaid 

⭐ Rhiannon - Welsh Goddess of Love & sacred sexuality

⭐This year, you will receive gift sessions from Hazel's partner, Alistair McLean, who offers working with the archetypal energies of Spirit Animals.


Hazel guides you to select what is needed

for you to develop your own unique

initiation experience and skills



& Sacred Smoke

Journey with Sacred Smoke to commune with your Ancestors, archetypal and inner guidance

🔥 Fire wisdom and making sacred chalice fires

🔥 Preparing herbs for fire & ritual incense making

🔥 Sacred Smoke rituals for cleansing & envisioning

🔥 Creative practices with fire energy  

🔥 Strengthening your own inner light guidance

🔥 Alchemy for sacred feminine & masculine union

🔥 Womb and heart fire of life wisdom

🔥The secrets of integrational magic


& Blessed Bathing

Journey with water consciousness and energy to access your intuitive flow & creative abilities

💦 Water oracling, anointing and mirroring rituals

💦 Making Spirit Water with Agua De Floria tradition

💦 Herbal bathing for ceremonial cleansing energy

💦 Sacred voice activation processes

💦 Water consciousness intuitive development

💦 Alchemy for sacred feminine & masculine union

💦 Womb and heart creative flow wisdom

💦 Blue stone ceremonial connection


This is a very potent time to master your light

and embody the depth of your soul purpose



Ritual Incense Making

The Art Of Making Sacred Fires

Journey With The Spirit Of The Fire

Journey With Herbs In A Ceremonial Way

Herbal Bathing Rituals

Ceremonial Making Of Agua De Florida - Flower Spirit Water

Journey With Flower Medicine Wheels & Manadalas

Connect With Growing Your Own Herbs

The Chalice

Sacred Initiation For Women

Starts January 2025


See behind the veil, and discover how your whole life has been a sacred

ceremonial journey, access the truth of your own ceremony of life.


I invite you on this journey of mastery


As women, we are naturally powerful creators, and when we sit together in sacred ceremonial initiation with our ancestors we create a creatrix field of love, an impenetrable tribe of love with a joint purpose of being a greater love in our own lives and this world, this is next level of innate soul guidance, available to us. The innate is the full activation of your latent RNA/DNA which allows you to tap into higher dimensional awareness and hidden soul gifts, in turn unlocking hidden initiations. Through your mentor Hazel, you will learn about the innate and the art of initiation through ancient rituals and ceremonies of alchemy, the alchemy of you and your soul in deep transformation, allowing your true innate soul gifts to come alive.

Become a carrier of the Sacred Chalice

by receiving your own Chalice artefact made by Hazel.


These chalices have been forged in the fire of creation, inspired and initiated during a decade-long innate soul purpose of sacred initiations of the lost heritage of innate life, artefacts, creation, womb wisdom, sacred sexuality and divine union through the body of woman. These gifts are now ready to be passed onto you dear sister, your soul has guided you here, are you willing to receive such a gracious gift?


What Can Open In You:


  •  A deep connection to your innate feminine body wisdom as a sacred vessel of creation.
  • Developmental awareness and wisdom of your ceremonial initiation.
  • Maturity of soul based leadership.
  • Deep remembrance of your innate indigenous inheritance in conjunction with your body & chalice.
  • Creative expression of your hidden gifts seen and unseen, ready to be acknowledged and honoured.
  • Embodiment of multidimensionally in harmonious cyclical living.
  • Exposure and liberation of what is holding you back from living your sacred soul purpose.
  • Professionally held sacred space for sharing your vulnerabilities and your magnificence.
  • Learning the depths and wisdom of activating your animism with stones, spirit animals and plants.
  • Supercharging your creative abilities through water and fire wisdom.
  • Alchemising and embodying Divine Union energies of the divine feminine & masculine.
  • Receiving and working with sacred artefacts.
  • Working with Hazel's sacred art and Soul Prophecy Oracle.

What Is Available For You:


Leadership & Self-Mastery

  • The confidence to be an inspirational leader.
  • Awakened dormant wisdom of your soul gifts.
  • Mastering the art of divine initiation.
  • Deep trust in your intuition.
  • Identifying and overcoming obstacles which no longer serve your path.
  • Use sacred ceremonies to initiate transformation.
  • Weave your creative and intuitive gifts into your personal and professional life.
  • Master reading energy and vibrational messages. 

Developing Creative & Intuitive Gifts

  • Channelling intuition through sacred art rituals and connection to the wisdom of the chalice.
  • Developing your self-initiation ceremony skills.
  • Learning and developing to craft shamanic power tools for ceremonial use.

Cultivate A Deeper Connection To Nature 

  • Dieting with herbs and flowers.
  • Channelling the spirits of plants and nature.
  • Journeying and vision questing in nature.


Are you ready to

open to the gifts of the Sacred Chalice?


With the guidance of Hazel and her guest tutors, your own wisdom and intuitive gifts will be brought to the forefront so you can design, create and perform your individual initiations, which result in receiving your own Sacred Chalice artefact.

This is where you will alchemise sacred practices of the innate with the power of creation to empower the evolution of your sacred journey, to open all your senses in divine wholeness and divine leadership. Supercharge your intuition to divine levels of instruction, and boost your connection to nature through animism to unlock new soul gifts.

Apply and integrate creative magic to what you have learned into everyday life to live profoundly in alignment with your soul and magical wisdom of being a magnificent woman, creatrix and vessel of love.

Overcome blockages and break the ceiling of your limitations through to your next level of living as a sacred vessel.

I look forward to meeting you

Lots of love


Feel the burning YES?


Fill out the application form and receive a free 15-minute discovery session to see if this is a fit to journey together.